jem17751 23rd March 2012

His Smile Some called him "adrik", some called him "A.J." His smile was his trademark, wherever he went. A room would brighten when A.J came in 'cause the first thing you saw, would be his grin! A son and brother so precious; a friend so true! Whatever he had, he'd share it with you! A thought, a deed, a kind word for a while But always, oh always, He'd share 'His Smile'. Our hearts are breaking, our thoughts are going wild! We've lost our friend: We've lost our child! "But only for a while," I heard Jesus say "He's been chosen for the Master's Bouquet!" Hand selected by Jesus from this 'garden of life' Gone to Heaven!-He's through with this strife! Why is he gone? God only knows. But Oh what a treasure, A "smiling rose!"